
Theme Parties 

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Make the Most of Every Show

Increasing Your Show Average

Great shows don’t just happen. It takes your concentrated efforts before, during, and after every show to reap the greatest rewards. It is the preparation for the show that makes all the difference.

Are you taking the time to coach your Hostess?

Hostess coaching is more than giving a hostess packet, a stack of invitations, and an occasional phone call. Your hostess cannot hold a successful show if she doesn’t know how to do it. Be sure to provide every hostess with clear, step-by-step instructions, not just in writing, but also in person and by phone.

Are you overlooking the importance of the guest list?

As soon as your hostess has selected a date, schedule a time to work with her to develop her guest list. Start the coaching process by explaining that a 40-plus guest list is your goal. Statistics show that half of the guest will be unable to attend due to prior commitments and of the remaining guests one-third of them will be unable to attend at the last minute. Use the F.R.A.N.K. (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors, Kid connections) system to help her develop her list.

Are you encouraging outside orders?

Create an expectation for outside orders by saying, “Sally, outside orders can play an important role in your show’s success, especially if we gather them from people you invite but who were unable to attend. Thinking of all the people you’ll see between now and your show, about how many orders would you like to have before the party starts?” Outside orders can turn a marginal show into one that is extremely profitable.

Are you confident in your presentation?

Review the key portions of your presentation. Say them out loud; practice the tone and inflection of your voice to put it over the top! Visualize your presentation and see yourself acting confident and poised. Your presentation starts well before you arrive at your destination. Take time in the car to pump yourself up. Focus your energy on what lights you up – and make every party your best party!

Are you familiar with your products?

The opportunity to present your product to potential customers is a privilege for which Fortune 500 companies pay thousands, and sometimes millions of dollars. Are you making the most of this opportunity?

Try telling a F.A.B.L.E. the next time you’re stuck on how to put some fresh thoughts together to describe your products.

F – Features. Describe the features of the product – what does it look like, how is it made

A – Advantages. Describe how it works, what it does, what is its purpose or function

B – Benefits. Describe what this product can do for its customer

L – Leverage. Describe what other satisfied customers have said about the product; provide facts or statistics, proof of quality

E – Emotions. Describe how the customer will feel using or owning the new product Are you building a relationship with your customers?

Learn to take advantage of the opportunity to build a relationship with your guest. When you do, you’ll have higher sales, new friends, and lifetime customers.

Greet each guest at the door. Offer your name and repeat theirs so you’ll remember

Participate in conversations during shopping times to establish yourself as “one of the gang”

Give a sincere compliment to each guest
Use your guests’ named in conversation whenever possible. Use name tags if you need to Make eye contact when your guest come to you to place their orders
Thank your guest for their business with a friendly smile and a helpful attitude

Are you super-sizing every order?

Super-sizing an order is easy if you think of your main business as helping customers and it has more to do with planning than with any special selling skill. Give each guest a blank piece of paper along with her order form. Encourage her to write down everything she likes. Say,

• •• • • •

“If you are like me, you’ll see so many items you love, you won’t be able to remember them all when it’s time to fill out your order. Why not list the items on your paper first. Then, we’ll decide what you can’t live without and I’ll help you complete your order form.” When you see her list, you’ll get valuable information as to her tastes and can comfortably lead her into conversations about booking (Why not consider booking a party and getting the rest of the items for free?) or joining Thirty-One (if she has a really long list, it’s obvious she loves the products).

While reviewing her selections, try some of these order building conversation starters:

“This is our most popular item and it will go perfectly with ________, which you’ve already chosen.”

“I understand why you like ________ best. May I show you my favorite item in our line?”

“You’ve qualified for our company’s monthly special!”

“Remember, we have several payment options.”

“I personally own and love this item.”

“Do you have any upcoming occasions when you will need a gift? I would be happy to help you with that now to save you time later.”

I couldn’t help but notice all the items on your paper. Are you thinking about booking a party for (hostess name)?”

Are you continuing to Hostess Coach even after the show?

Go over the show sales, points and benefits earned before you leave her house. Tell her how many orders she needs for the next TWO levels and let HER set the goal. She may go higher than you think! Set the close date and close the show within three to five days. NEVER go over a week - a host will do what she is going to do within 3-5 days.

A little preparation will go along way in helping your Hostess meet her goals and in return helping you to meet yours.